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The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Good Fat, Good Carb Meals

A well-balanced meal plan, one that will have you enjoying the cooking process instead of fearing your food, is based on choosing foods that are good for you. Simply put, you want to build your diet around making good choices.


The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Good Fat, Good Carb Meals encourages you to throw out those diet books and start livin’ the good life. A well-balanced meal plan is all about inclusion, not about deprivation, and is easily within your reach. 

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Good Fat, Good Carb Meals encourages you to throw out those diet books and start livin’ the good life. A well-balanced meal plan is all about inclusion, not about deprivation, and is easily within your reach. 

A well-balanced meal plan, one that will have you enjoying the cooking process instead of fearing your food, is based on choosing foods that are good for you. Simply put, you want to build your diet around making good choices.


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